My friend Leina and David raise Havanese in their home in Loudon, Tn. Due to family situations, they did not get their advertising up in time and are now with some puppies that are needing homes quickly. For that reason, they are discounted to 1800. While this is a very low price for a Havanese, these are quality puppies from health tested parents that I helped her find and I stand behind the quality of their pedigree. Leina can be reached at 865-368 0556
I hope this helps those that are wanting a puppy quickly and can’t wait for me to have another litter.
Rocky is a sweet little black and white boy born on Oct 29, 2019 He will be around 10-11lbs.
Rocky is black with four white paws. Now as time has passed, he is definitely a Romeo, he loves giving kisses! He is very active with his siblings and enjoys being held! He definitely will make a great lap dog! He is a bit older so we lowered the price to find him a home quickly.
BINELLI is a sweet little dark chocolate with amber eyes born on Oct 29, 2019 He will be around 10-11lbs. He was being held for show evaluation so is a couple months older. We have discounted him for that reason. Available immediately to a loving home. He is happy and full of playful energy.
FIN is a beautiful little boy born on Nov 18. He will be around 9 -10 pounds. He is available now.